Tuesday, August 13, 2013

six pack easily

six pack easily
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To get six pack abs you need to do two things: remove the stomach fat and build muscles. You get this by dieting and exercising regularly. For the abs (or abdominal muscles) to be visible, the layer of fat that often covers the abdominals will have to be removed. The abs have always existed in the body! They are simply hidden under the adipose layer! This article discusses how proper diet/nutrition is necessary for hidden abs to surface.

 Remove Stomach Fat
 The body needs to be physically active to be able to remove any unwanted fat. Initially, an exercise program may be required to achieve this. (Afterwards, active life style will help ensure that fat does not sneak in). Along with this, a proper diet is a must. As the body goes into a repair and build mode during the exercises, a proper nutrition will fuel a faster and healthy change.

 The foods that we consume today may not be giving us all that is nutritionally required for the body to work optimally. Hence, it may be necessary to add good supplements to the diet. Presence of minerals and vitamins in adequate levels is vital for the body to carry on many functions before the optimum utilization that lead to optimum use of the nutrients  carbohydrates for energy, proteins for repair and build up of muscles and essential fats for lubrication and shock absorption (for internal organs).
 Ideally, foods that are as near to their natural state (read this as organic foods) as possible are preferred.

 Proteins intake should not include foods that also contain unwanted fats  red meat is an example. Fish, chicken, turkey are friendlier from non vegetarian sources, pulses and certain cereals are good for vegans. Do not forget to include skim milk.

 Carbohydrates should be considered only for energy, and that too on a minimal scale. Be terribly afraid of white wheat flour. Any source with bran is welcome as it contains more fiber. Less intake of carbs will not hamper getting required energy for the day  proteins as well as fats can also be utilized by the body to get balance energy requirement. Fiber helps remove toxins from the body that otherwise hamper absorption and utilization of good nutrition in the body. The best sources of natural fiber are green leafy vegetables, brans.

 Some fat is essential in the body. Fat deposits in the body can be utilized by the body to get energy. Between the proteins (in the foods that we consume) and the fats (from fat deposits in the body) as an alternate source of energy, the later will be consumed or used up first in preference to the later.

 Thus, as we go in for greater physical activities (walking, cycling, swimming, gym exercises, etc.), the body will require a larger input of energy as compared to the quantum required under normal circumstances. This will be made good by the body from the existing fat store. As the fat store in the body depletes, you will see your physical appearance improving  while not defined, the abs will definitely surface, go ahead and touch them feel them!

 It has to be added here that an active lifestyle should be a conscious everyday routine to avoid re-deposition of fatty layer over the uncovered abs.

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