Saturday, August 17, 2013

burning diet

burning diet
There are thousands of diets available on the market today. Finding the one that works best for your individual needs can be a challenge, especially when each diet offers different benefits. Although willpower and sweat can be effective ways to burn fat, there are many options to getting rid of that extra flab. The following list includes brief descriptions of the most popular fat burning diets available on the market today. The information below may help to determine which diet is most suitable to your needs. 
1. Atkins Diet. This diet focuses on controlling the levels of insulin in the body. When large amounts of refined carbohydrates are consumed, insulin levels rise rapidly, and then sharply decline. This makes it hard for the body to use stored fat as a source of energy. People on this diet consume a high portion of protein and a drastically low intake of carbohydrates. 

 2. The Zone Diet. This diet aims for a nutritional balance of 40% carbohydrates, 30% protein, and 30% fat for every meal. This nutritional combination controls insulin levels, resulting in more successful weight loss and weight control. This diet encourages the consumption of good quality carbohydrates and fats.

 3. Vegetarian Diet. There are many types of vegetarians, but the majority of the diets fall into the lacto-ovo-vegetarians. This class of vegetarians does not eat animal-based foods except honey, eggs, and dairy. Studies have shown that this diet lowers body weight, decreases risk for diseases, and increases life expectancy.

 4. Weight Watchers Diet. This diet focuses on losing weight through diet, exercise, and support. Weight Watchers is a large corporation, with established recognition all over the world. Dieters join and can attend group meetings, both in person and online. Participants are provided with a great deal of education and support.

 5. South Beach Diet. This diet focuses on the control of insulin levels and the benefits of unrefined slow carbohydrates which take longer to process and digest in the body. This diet was developed by a cardiologist, Dr. Agatston, and a nutritionist, Marie Almon; both of whom developed research which discovered that low-fat regiments are not effective in the long term.

 6. Raw Food Diet. This diet, otherwise known as Raw Foodism, involves the consumption of foods and drinks that are not processed are plant-based, and organic. These dieters believe that at least a third of their food intake has to be uncooked food. Most of them are also vegans and will not eat or drink anything that is animal-based.

 7. Mediterranean Diet. This diet focuses on the nutritional habits of the people of Crete, Greece and southern Italy. The emphasis is placed on lots of fresh fruits, plant foods, nuts, beans, and seeds with moderate amounts of poultry, fish, red meat and wine. About 25 to 35% of this diet consists of fat, with saturated fats not going beyond 8% of the calorie intake.

 If none of these fat burning diets in Mount Vernon have been effective for your individual needs, there are a variety of detox diets that work in Bedford Park. Certain diet plans for women in Mount Vernon that have proven very effective are fat burning injections coupled with a low caloric intake for a period of three to six weeks. These injections of hCG delivered a measured amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, a naturally occurring hormone commonly found in pregnant women.


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