Thursday, August 8, 2013

five tips to reduce men boobs

five tips to reduce men boobs
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One thing that a man will never want is a little too much of breast development  it can cause significant emotional distress. Man boobs can extensively lower your confidence, making you feel unattractive. So how do you fight the battle against this irritating problem? Here is a guide to show you the way.

 Why do some men suffer from men boobs?

 The major reason for this is unusually high level of body fat. An obese man accumulates fatty tissue in his chest area and thus ends up developing man boobs.

 Another reason why a man gets enlarged breasts is a hormonal condition called gynecomastia. The female hormone (oestrogen) production is increased while the male hormone (testosterone) production decreases in the mans body. It can happen due to the effect of certain medications that affect hormone production in the body. Testicular tumor is another possible cause of this problem.

 What are the possible solutions?

 Medication or even breast reduction surgery might be the only option if you are suffering from gynecomastia. However, if the problem of man boobs arises due to excess weight, the best and long-lasting solution is to get rid of the flab. It is necessary to follow a strict exercise regimen in order to lose weight. Most men will take about 3 to 6 months to tone up the pectoral muscles.

 If you want to lose your awkward man boobs you must also follow a sensible diet program. Consult your doctor or a certified dietician, who can prescribe a diet to suit your fitness level and lifestyle. Do not follow fad diets blindly as they are more likely to do harm than good. You may end up losing muscle mass, and that will make you physically weak and unhealthy. Here are five tips to help you fight the battle against man boobs.

 oTo lose fat and gain muscle, combine aerobics exercise with weight training. Try to fit about 45 minutes of aerobics three times per week in your exercise sessions. The cross trainer and treadmill are fantastic fat burning machines.

 oNext you will need to make the chest muscles firm by lifting weights. Two weight lifting exercises that work on your chest are flat and incline bench press. You will get best results if you complete four sets of 8 to 12 repetitions each.

 oEat regularly and at small intervals, say five small meals every three hours. Your portion size should ideally be the amount of food that fits into your fist  roughly the size of your stomach.

 oBe sure to drink about 12 glasses of water every day. It will flush out the toxins and help prevent water retention.

 oDrink green tea or warm water with a teaspoon-full of honey and the juice of a lemon  two excellent metabolism boosters. A higher metabolism rate will help you digest your food better and prevent storage of fat in your body.

 You should keep in mind that there is no such thing as spot weight reduction. Regular exercise helps you shed off the extra fat from all over your body and in the process you get rid of the man boobs as well.

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