Belly fat causes worrisome and affects deeply self-confidence. It influences badly on one's health. It has been proven by the science that your metabolic rate accounts to burning of fat. Increasing the metabolic rate can greatly help in losing belly fat or any other fat on your body. Here are some the best ways to lose belly fat quickly and effectively in 30 days.
1. Eat six small meals instead of three large meals in a day. Do not keep yourself hungry for long hours by eating food at regular intervals. If the stomach is deprived of food for long hours, the blood sugar levels fall. When this happens, the person tends to eat more than normal in the next meal. In short, he develops a tendency to binge.
2. Have a grocery list when you go. Your list should contain the following items: honey flavored, fat-free Greek yogurt; fresh organic baby spinach; lettuce; tomatoes; onions; low-fat dressing (your favorite kind); canned salmon; Egg Beaters; Pam cooking spray; 1percent milk; low-fat cheese; fresh-cut pineapple; raspberries; blueberries; apples; oranges; strawberries; legumes; low-fat, sodium-free soups; a case of spring water; and lean ground turkey.
3. On the other hand many people adopt the strategy to take little food but do no exercise. This will also not help to lose belly fat because with insufficient food intake your body metabolism is slowed down to compensate the lack of food and the rate of burning fat is also slowed down. Instead, if you avoid taking food that is rich in calories and make a habit of regular exercise, it will help a lot and you will get desired results in losing the fats. At the same time, try to intake protein rich diet, which helps in developing muscle mass with no superfluous fat, which will help in burning more calories. Drinking lots of water can also be considered as an important factor in burning calories, since hydration helps in burning more calories along with developing muscle mass.
4. One important thing to remember is never create sensation of hunger. When you are hungry, you tend to eat more and more. This totally damages all your attempt. To solve the problem, drink more water, especially before meals so that you will reduce food intake. Replace all the bowls in your kitchen to small blue-colored bowls. This kind of bowls let you crave less food.
5. If you want to know how to reduce belly fat quickly, the solution is to keep a tab on what you eat. Include such foods in your diet that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates, sugar, and saturated fats. Make nutritious foods like vegetables, fruits, eggs, whole grains, nuts and seeds a part of your every day diet. Avoid refined foods such as refined flour and refined sugar. Also, include a lot of negative calorie items in your diet such as apples, cucumbers and raw tomatoes.
6. Curb your carbohydrate intake and drink water. If you notice, carbs--the bad carbs--are not on your shopping list. The quickest way to burn fat in the midsection is to remove simple carbs like bread and sugar from the diet and replace those with complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates keep you full longer. By being full longer, you won't crash and burn and start the binge cycle as you would if you were eating simple carbs. You'll also need to increase your water intake.
7. Here I suggest the most effective and quickest way: combine cardio and weight lift workouts! Do cardio first for 5-10 minutes to warm up your body. Then start lifting weights for 30-45 minutes each day. Barbell, dumbbell are both good. Moreover, hula hooping is extremely good to flatten the ugly belly fat. It is estimated to burn 200 calorie if you work out in 30 minutes. The heavier you are, the more calories are burnt!
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