Despite it being relatively simple to get ripped six pack abs many people find it a real test. There are two core themes to achieving your much desired six pack. These are to reduce your body fat quite significantly and of course increase your abdominal muscles. This does get harder to do the older you get but lots of people still manage to develop a great six pack when they're in their forties.
However, if you want people to see your six pack then you're going to have to work hard and be quite austere with your diet. Many people still hold the mistaken idea that purely focusing on one area of your body will mean that you lose fat from that particular area; unfortunately that's just not the situation. Repeated sit-ups may get you more muscle but they wont get you to lose more fat from that area.
In order to get a really ripped six pack look you need to look at your broader physique but pay more attention on you abdominals. If you ensure that the exercises set out below are in your routine then youll be on the right path.
Crunches. Lie on the floor flat on your back. Bend your knees and pull your feet towards you, still keeping them flat on the floor and place your hands behind your head. You can do crunches in two forms. One way requires you to bring opposite knee and elbow together, alternating side to side and the other one means raising your head towards your knees and back down again. These exercises will build up your upper abdominal muscles.
Sit-ups. Similar to crunches but they work on different abdominal muscles. Although not vital, it can be helpful to have your feet securely planted, perhaps having a friend hold them down for you. The basic position is similar to before; you raise your upper body but this time you're trying to get as upright as you can. This time you're working your lower stomach muscles.
The Abdominal Roll. You need to get some free weights for this one or at least something that you can roll forwards and back. Place yourself flat on you front with your hands above your head. Your hands should be holding your selected weights. The aim is to roll the weights towards you while keeping your arms straight and pulling yourself up onto all fours, only using your abdominal muscles. This is a really good workout for that difficult lower abdominal region.
The plank demands that you to lie on your front, supporting [your weight on your elbows and lower arms. To perform this exercise correctly you need to keep your body as flat and straight as possible. Hold this for as long as you can. To avoid raising your backside by mistake and therefore negating the positive effects of this workout, maybe ask a friend to check whether you're as flat as you need to be. Otherwise you could look in a mirror. This posture works well at building core muscle.
Cardiovascular exercise. The only way to get a really defined and obvious set of 6 pack abs is to get your body fat down as much as you can. A rigorous exercise routine will burn more calories and also get your resting metabolic rate up. Whether its running, cycling or rowing a good method to boost your metabolism is to train as hard as you can for 20 seconds then go at an easy pace for 40 seconds and repeat as many times as you can.
Getting into good exercise habits is a must but disregarding a healthy diet will undo all your hard work. Your newly developed muscles will still be out of sight under a layer of fat. To eat a healthy diet you have to think about eating fewer bad foods, eat fewer calories as well as drinking adequate amounts of water. Many also find writing a diet journal keeps them on track. If you bear these issues in mind youll be making a great start to getting those 6 pack abs.
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