Saturday, July 20, 2013

8 Best Fat Loss Diet

Trying to lose belly fat? You can diet and do crunches but still have belly fat. Liposuction isn't the answer. The solution to your belly fat problem could be as simple as what you eat. Your personal eating plan controls almost 75% of the effectiveness of your fat-loss or muscle-building program. This high percentage rate shows that focusing primarily on nutrition and diet is necessary for success.

 1. eat plenty of fruits and veggies will keep you satisfied longer. High fiber foods help you fill up so you stay fuller longer. You are less likely to be on the prowl an hour after eating. The reason is, fiber takes a long time to move through your body system - and it slows digestion. This may trigger satiety, the feeling of fullness that makes you put down your fork. So get your fiber fix daily!

 2. Egg whites do not contain cholesterol, which make it a good component of a healthy diet. If you do not have problems with cholesterol you can eat the whole egg but limit to 2 a day.

 3. Taking long walks on a regular basis is a great way to burn fat as well. Once you are comfortable with your daily walks to add a bit of resistance training several times a week to improve your overall strength and endurance levels. My favorite exercises include the dumbbells while doing compound exercises such as lunges, overhead lifts and squats.

 4. Cut out the beer, soda, and everything else that is not plain, pure water. Liquid calories are empty calories, and there's no room for empty calories in a fat belly diet.

 5. Eating low fat foods - making the choice to buy and eat low fat foods is good, but on one condition - you cannot eat more than you normally would. This is often the tendency, since the food is 'low fat'. Even fat free foods can pack on the pounds. Not all weight is gained merely from fat. If you eat too many total calories in a day, you will still gain weight, no matter where those calories come from!

 6. Lower your sodium intake. Hold the salt, use flavoring sauces sparingly, and start cooking your own food. Fat belly diets will only work if you cut out the sodium that contributes to belly fat and bloating.

 7. Aside from protein, skim milk has a substantial amount of calcium. It is also rich in casein, a protein that can help control hunger levels.

 8. Don't even think of skipping meals in order to lose weight. This strategy can be counterproductive for many individuals who don't necessarily have the high metabolic rate or control over their blood sugar to make this work. For example; someone with a high metabolism, who is naturally fit will burn calories more efficiently and get away with eating one meal a day. This body type may already be predisposed to losing fat fairly quickly because their energy level is so high.

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