Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Stomach Exercises

Stomach Exercises
Let's cut to the chase, you're here for one reason, you're looking for stomach exercises to get rid of the fat around your belly and get a six pack that men and women around the world would die for. Am I right? Well, maybe I got excited but I'm sure you get the idea.

Having a flat stomach has always been a sign of good health, beauty and an attraction to the opposite sex. Lets be honest we've all seen the models on TV and in magazines and thought WOW, if only I could have a six pack like that.

Well, it's not as hard as you think as long as you have the right information and are dedicated enough to do it.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Exercises For Belly Fat - How To Get Flat Abs

Exercises For Belly Fat - How To Get Flat Abs

When they first began to appear on film stars and music idols in the late 80s, people had little idea of how to get flat abs. Hence for many years that dream was left to celebrities alone to get six-pack abs. As time went by, celebrity personal trainers began reaching out to people at home to offer them the same opportunity as their A list clients. Today there are countless exercises for belly fat available online all promising to get you ripped abs. Here are ten most effective exercises for belly fat and tips for how to get flat abs.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dumbbell Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Dumbbell Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

Most people try to burn stomach fat by doing crunches or sit-ups. This is not the way to go. You can burn stomach fat by doing exercises that target other muscle groups as well. In fact, it can be more effective.

This is why I want to share with you the following 5 dumbbell exercise to lose belly fat. They can prove to be an excellent addition to your workouts and help you get awesome results quickly.

Beware of Belly Fat Burning Exercises

Beware of Belly Fat Burning Exercises

Of all the fat around our bodies, it seems that belly fat is the most repulsive. Many men like a woman with an ample bottom or meaty thighs, but rare is the man with a spare tire fetish. Similarly, women prefer a guy who is tall but width seems to be a deal-breaker; go figure. Either way, the desire to banish belly fat shouldn't be seen as an exercise in vanity. Belly fat is more than just unattractive; it is downright unhealthy and the midsection is far and away the worst place to have fat deposits because the excess weight forces the internal organs to work much harder and strain themselves to accommodate your load.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Exercise to get rid of belly fat

Exercise to get rid of belly fat
Workouts to get rid of stomach fat are gaining popularity fast among particular persons. The sedentary way of life, lack of time for workouts and the consumption of refined foods all lead to the formation of stomach fat in a particular person. workouts to get rid of stomach fat are not only easy but are also effective in helping the person get rid of the fat.

Exercises to Lose Lower Belly Fat

Exercises to Lose Lower Belly Fat

Lower belly fat exercises are divided into 2 kinds: those that actually burn body fat and lower belly fat as well, and toning exercises. You need to realize that the body burns fat as a single unit. You can't burn fat from a specific body part by doing targeted exercises. However, you can tone a body part.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Diet Tips Want to Lose Body Fat

It is not unusual for women to engage in body building activities. A woman, in fact, can be good at lifting weights. But since there are differences in gender physiology, there will be slight differences in the type of training as well as diet tips of body building.

Women have lower levels of testosterone in the body so they have a much harder time building up muscles compared to men. Women who are into body building should try to follow certain diets tips to help their body cope with the physical stress and at the same time achieve the lean, toned muscles they are aiming for. Here are a few general tips to help any woman doing body building develop that perfect figure.

tuna diet plan

tuna diet plan 

This is a real tuna diet plan which works and allows you to lose 11 pounds in the first two weeks. Tuna diet plan suits people who like seafood products.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Orange juice

Orange juice

Orange juice is an integral part of any healthy diet from time immemorial. The flavor of orange is world's third favorite flavor next to chocolate and vanilla. Oranges have additional nutritional contents than other citrus fruits. This article discusses the major nutritional contents and health benefits of orange.

fish oil

fish oil
You will be in for a surprise when you get to know some things about fish oil benefits. The health benefits that you can enjoy are so much more remarkable than anyone has imagined. Most people are aware that fish oil is good for you. However, you should also get to know there are other health benefits you can enjoy when you take supplements contain fish oil. While most people are not comfortable taking any type of supplement, many of these people are willing to take supplements containing fish oil.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

health benefits of coffee

health benefits of coffee

Fresh Coffee contains caffeine in it which acts as a stimulant. For this reason, it is often consumed in the morning and when feeling tired. Students preparing for examinations with late-night cram sessions frequently use coffee to stay awake. Many office workers take a coffee break when they have low energy. Coffee gives a boost in our metabolism which increases energy level in our body. The stimulant effect also improves brain function. Studies shows that on average people who drank 2 cups of coffee showed better in cognitive ability and had increase in memory recall.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

top ten diet foods

top ten diet foods

I have just searched for "diet". There were over 117,000,000 results. Much of the material is contradictory. I am giving you the top 10 tips you need to know if you want to lose weight long-term.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Boost Surfing Fitness

Boost Surfing Fitness
 All over the world there has been an explosion of interest in Surfing! The best thing about surfing is that anyone can enjoy this fantastic sport, from a small child right though to someone over ninety years of age. It's incredible fun and it also keeps you healthy and fit. By improving your surfing fitness you can take your surfing experience to a whole new mind blowing level, and it doesnt matter what your surfing experience or surfing ability is at present you can still improve and see amazing results!